- Instead of dedicating this version of notes to Cam Neely's
induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame, to ESPN's decision not to
broadcast the NHL, or to the positive
CBA developments between the NHL and NHLPA, this version of hockey notes is dedicated to Predator's Den co-blogger
Charlie Tuttle, who is undergoing treatment for cancer. Hang in there and get well soon.
- This article might provide a little inspiration,
Comeback kids finally meet, Battochio drew inspiration from Kotyk's return to hockey from illness - Globe and Mail.
Tim Wharnsby writes about Ottawa 67's goaltender Danny Battochio, who came back from emergency surgery to fix blood vessels near his eyes, meeting former 67's goaltender [and former Sharks prospect] Seamus Kotyk, who needed heart surgery to treat his cardiac arrhythmia.

Seamus Kotyk played 23 games for the AHL Milwaukee Admirals last season, earning a 10-6-1 record with a 2.95 GAA. The Ottawa 67's had an
impressive season, winning their first OHL Championship, and finishing third in the Memorial Cup. Danny Battochio finished the regular season with a 24-10-3 record and a 2.95 GAA.
- The Globe and Mail had more details of ESPN's recent break with the NHL:
ESPN pulls plug on TV talks with NHL. Mark Shapiro, ESPN's executive VP for programming commented on the decision:
"Right now, we're done negotiating... We held various discussions and had several meetings with Gary and his team. And unfortunately we were not able to get a deal done."
Shapiro also told the Globe and Mail what kind of deal ESPN was looking for:
Shapiro said ESPN wanted a significantly reduced rights fee -- "well below half of $60-million" -- because of the potential damage incurred to advertising and ratings by the lockout and cancelled season.
However, the NHL would not move from the $60-million figure.
"The $60-million option was negotiated [in 2004] with the possibility of a lockout discussed," said Bernadette Mansur, the NHL's vice-president of communications. "Were not interested in devaluing the product any further."
Shapiro said ESPN, at an acceptable price, was interested in retaining NHL rights.
And finally the door is left open, if ever so slightly:
"If the NHL decides it wants to come back with us, and propose a new offer, given our history, we'll listen," he said. "But anything in the neighbourhood of $60-million is a conversation were not willing to have.
"The only deal we see ourselves doing, today, is a no-rights-fee deal. The NBC revenue-sharing model we believe is the model that should exist for any partner of the NHL right now."
- From the Newsday
article linked on top, ESPN was slated to air 100 NHL games for $60 million dollars. That is $600,000 per game. It would be interesting to compare that with the advertising revenue from the 2003-04 season.
- Et tu,
- The specifics are still a little hazy, but the Globe and Mail and TSN both
reported last week that the next CBA might have a salary cap in the $34-36 million range [US], with the floor from $22-24 million, at least for the first year.
More from
James Mirtle on the scoop that his paper unleashed upon the hockey world.
- Eric Gilmore is on a roll for the Contra Costa Times.
Pickup games fill void in NHL lockout - CC Times. Photos from a different pickup game
- John Buccigross's annual
put Cam Neely in the HHOF article paid off this year. Three 50-goal seasons during an injury shortened career, six 100+ PIM seasons, 57 playoff goals in 93 GP, prototypical NHL power forward, first player I have seen stiff-arm a defenseman, best ESPN commercial with a weiner dog, burgeoning tv and
film career, why did it take so long HHOF? Congratulations Cam.
Ex-Bruin Neely part of vanishing breed - SF Chronicle/Boston Globe. In San Jose, Cam Neely is spelled with an O-w-e-n N-o-l-a-n.
The One and Only Cam Neely - Ben Wright.
The term 'power-forward' is thrown around a lot these days in hockey and it's used to describe guys like Todd Bertuzzi, Brendan Shananhan, John Leclair (before he wrecked his back), and occasionally centres like Forsberg and Thornton. What you have to realize is that the term wasn't a part of the hockey lexicon until Cam Neely became the perfect combination of grit, size, strength and skill. As Terry O'Reilly said in the Boston Globe, "He fought, he shot, and he checked, and it was utterly impossible to stop him."
Neely still holds the Bruins records for goals in a season (54), career playoff goals (55), and playoff goals in a season (16), as well as points in one game (3 goals, 4 assists, 7pts).
I have three regrets as a hockey fan- never going to a game at the Boston Garden, never getting to see Ray Bourque play, and never getting to see Cam in person. That last one is the real kicker.
There will never, ever, be another Cam.
- Old news, but I still have to post it; Andrei Nazarov
attacked a referee after a playoff game in Russia. I did not know he was playing for Avangard Omsk, but I have a feeling he will not be playing with anyone for awhile.
- For Pittsburgh fans, the San Jose Mercury News had more on your new potential owner, San Jose's
William 'Boots' Del Biaggio III. I knew the name sounded familiar. I wish him luck, with the team and getting a new arena, but I hope he read
Exhibit A [that the league is in financial trouble] first.
- Interesting white paper by agent Neil K. Sheehy:
The Systematic Erosion and Neutralization of Skill and Play-making in the NHL.
- Paul, Steve, and Martin have all appeared on this blog the last few years, so I have to mention Noriko Kariya's
split decision win in her first professional bout.
NHL 2K6 First Look [Xbox 360] - TeamXBOX.com
No hockey? Well at least there's a hockey videogame - IGN
In one of the saddest and most pathetic bits of recent sports history, hockey fans are looking at a second season in a row where there will be more action on the PlayStation and Xbox ice than on the real thing.
- Interesting hockey-spy intrigue, Easton claims that New Balance and Warrior Lacrosse Inc were engaged in corporate espionage. The trade secrets alleged to be stolen involve hockey sticks, pads, and skates.
New Balance slashed in hockey-spy case - Jennifer Heldt Powell.
- Belated props to Offwing for his inaugural turn at the
Carnival of the NHL, and
Carnival of the NBA #10.

- James Mirtle
notes the return of the
Hockey Gladiators event to Canada. After a year of no NHL, it would not be out of the realm of possibility for a current NHL enforcer to join the ranks. Anyways, the news gives me an excuse to post the ad above of Gladiator Girl
Amelie Paul, photo by Eric Daoust.
Hockey fight spectacle slated for B.C. - TSN.
- Brian Burke leaves TSN and joins the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, or the Mighty Ducks of Los Angeles in Anaheim? I expect the
Mighty Ducks of Anaheim blog will have more on the new GM. The LA Times has
more, including an amusing Burke quote from 2003.
One of Burke's off-the-cuff comments may need to be explained to Duck center Sergei Fedorov. Burke had Fedor Fedorov as a player in Vancouver, and when Sergei Fedorov became a free agent in 2003, Burke was asked whether he would try to sign him.
"We already have a Fedorov," Burke replied. "That's one Fedorov too many."
The New WHA: A Third Reincarnation - Jes Golbez. Visit
worldhockeyassociation.net for more information.